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Showing posts from November, 2016

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Case Study - Time difference calculation after midnight

Real Life Problem: In a security monitoring control room, In-Charge needs to calculate the start time and end time after a video is observing. But the time calculation is not showing correctly after the midnight. Assume that, the Starting Time is: 23:00:00 PM (11:00:00 PM) and ending time is after midnight (that means next date): 00:37:00 AM (12:37:00 AM) . Now the question is how to find the time difference in between in these times? Example Data Table: As the problem already provided the time, so assume that, below is the data: Image 1: Example Data Now how to calculate the estimated time in E2 Cell ? Solution: To calculate in a clear way I have created 3 extra columns. First C column Numerical Difference simply calculates the difference from Starting Time to Ending Time . We know that in Computer ending time or latest time or date is always bigger in numerical value then starting time or date. So, I have just used the below formula for C2 cell: =B2-A2