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How to SUM by matching partial text in Excel

Convert a Logical Text into Logical value

Someone asked, " How to convert Logical Text to Logical Value in Excel? " In more details, his question like, you have below data table: Image 1: Logical Text to Logical Value The D2 cell contains a formula and it will show the logical result like: =CONCATENATE(A2,B2,C2) as TRUE or FALSE . More specifically he wanted: =IF(CONCATENATE(A2,B2,C2),"Logical","Illogical") But according to Microsoft Excel, if you apply CONCATENATE function then the value always returns TEXT and IF function will always return FALSE that means " Illogical ". He wanted if he change the logical operator symbol in B2 cell, then depends on this logical operator symbol, the result in D2 cell of =CONCATENATE(A2,B2,C2) will change as TRUE or FALSE . Solution: After studying on it, I've found a simple solution. And the solution is why don't we use a IF formula on this? Yes, an IF formula can help us regarding this issu

Text to Column: While + (Plus) symbol is the starting text of next column

Assume that you have a file that contains TEXT value in Column A2:A4 . In each cell a special delimiter (character) has used " ^ ". Now you wish to separate rest of the text after " ^ " character to another column. If I say more clearly and in short then: You have this: Image 1: Sample data And you want to convert it like this: Image 2: Converted data Seems it is easy. But the problem is, + (Plus) symbol is the starting character of next column. And if you start a cell value from + (Plus) then it will converted as a formula "=" (Equal) character in excel and returns an #NAME? error: Image 3: Converted data If you take a close look then you will see + symbol converted as Formula character and returns #NAME? error due to =ebook1.php is not a Microsoft Excel function. Solution: So, how you can convert it as same as in image 2 shows? Well, follow the below steps: Step 1: Select A2:A4 cell. Step 2: Click on Dat

ISLOGICAL function of MS Excel

This function is used to test a value weather it is LOGICAL or ILLOGICAL. If this function founds a value as LOGICAL according to Microsoft Excel then it returns TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE. The Syntax: =ISLOGICAL(value) Example: I'm trying to write an IF formula that will take the logic from 3 different cells A2, B2 and C2 cell, where A2 = 13, B2 = and operator "<" (Less Than) and C2 = 51. If I type =IF(A2 Image 1: Trying to write a formula from this values Now here are some examples: Image 2: ISLOGICAL() Examples

How to use Fuzzy Lookup or Fuzzy Match in Excel

In your professional life, you can face a situation like, you have a Source Data Table (Table 1) , where Shop_ID , Shop Name etc. field are available like below image:                                                      Image 1: Source Data Table And you have a Target Data Table (Table 2) where you have to lookup the Shop_ID from Source Data Table to prepare a final report to your Management. Here is the second table (Table 2) , You need to include Shop_ID column in Table 2 and add the Shop_ID besides the Shop name by matching partial text. For Example: BW Corp from Table 2 will match BW Corporate in Shop Name column in Table 1 and returns the Shop_ID which is STR002 value besides BW Corp from Table 1 to Table 2 .     Image 2: Target Data Table Now what will you do to prepare the report? Well, I guess 90% people will go through Ctrl+F (Find) then Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V process. But do you know that, there is a wonderful add-ins developed by Microsof

Lookup value from 2 different cells and match with 1 cell

Assume that, you have a Table1 with "First Name" "Last Name" "Sale" column and another Table2 with "Name" ("First Name" and Last Name"), "Sale" column. Now you wish to return the "Sale" quantity from Table1 to Table2 by matching "Name" (from Table2 field) with "First Name" and "Last Name" (from Table1). Image 1: Table1 (A1:C5) and Table2 (D8:E12) Solution: To do this below formula can help to return the "Sale" quantity from Table1 to Table2: =INDEX($C$2:$C$5,MATCH($D9,CONCATENATE($A$2:$A$5," ",$B$2:$B$5),0)) You will see the below result: Image 2: Result  You can download this file from below link: Lookup a single cell but match with 2 cells