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Showing posts from April, 2017

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How to SUM by matching partial text in Excel

An Introduction to Array in Excel VBA

Excel VBA is a Programming language, and though it is a language, it should support Array Programming. Yes, it does. In Excel we can use Array Formula. We can also use the power of Array in Excel VBA. What is an Array? In a simple definition, the variable, which contains two or more values under the same variable, is called an Array. In programming language sometime you need to use lookup function in a specific list. To do this use an Array. An Array is a way to store more than one value under the same variable name. An array looks like this when it is declared: Dim yourName( 5 ) as Integer In the above code, Dim is short for the word Dimension and it allows you to declare variable names and their type. Then we used a custom name yourName to store values. But how many values can store in yourName ? We declared (5) that means 0 to 5 = 6 values. If we declared (1 to 5) then it will not count the 0 (zero), so that you can store 5 values under the same yourName variabl