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Showing posts from February, 2020

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Valentine's Day Love Calculator in Excel 2016

Yesterday was 14 February, 2020. Valentine's Day. I was thinking about to share an interesting think on this special day. Finally I decided to make the very popular Love Calculator in Microsoft Excel. Sounds interesting. Yea. The process to make Love Calculator in Excel has described below: Image 1: Valentine's Day Love Calculator in Excel This is very easy to create it. But you need to concentrate on it. Here I've used very popular INDEX-MATCH Function and no VBA. So, let's going start. Step 1: Take a new workbook. and plot like below except Yellow background. Yellow background cells are containing formulas. I will describe the formula in next. Image 2: Valentine's Day Love Calculator Fun Game Calculation Step 2: The D2 cell contains a name, here i used "Microsoft". It needs to convert into Numbers through A1:B6 data table. You can change as you like in A1:B6 data table. So, I have used below formula to convert the "Microsoft&q