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How to SUM by matching partial text in Excel

Case Study - Find the result of a quiz contest

Real Life Problem: Assume that, in a quiz contest there are 5 participants and played 4 games. From the score card need to calculate the Results for each player based on below conditions: In F column, the result should be Win if any player scored less than or equal to 0 (Zero) , in all 4 games. Blank means not participated. So if any player not participate in any of 4 games, then no need to calculate the result. All player must participate in 4 games. Example Data Table: Image 1: Score card Solution: In F2 Column you can apply few functions to get the result. But here I would like to show 2 different types of function here. One is Array formula and another is Regular formula . Array Formula: {=IF(OR(B2:E2="",B2:E2>0),"Loss","Win")} Image 2: Array formula General Formula: =IF(MAX(B2:E2)>0,"Loss","Win") Image 3: Result 2 Excel is fantastic analysis tool. One problem has many solutio

How to create a Gantt Chart Step by Step in Excel?

Gantt Chart is a chart where activities are visible through a timeline so that anyone can understand about an specific task about when the task was starts and when it finished. More clearly it can be said that, in a Project you need to monitor the activities of each task. To monitor in a better way you can create a Gantt Chart where every tasks shows their status through a timeline. Usually this chart uses Horizontal Bar to show the values. This chart was first introduced by Henry Gantt in 1910 . In most of the company MIS Executives are using Gantt Chart for launching new products in the market. It is very important that, managing a project of launching new product in the market due to there are huge competitors. And every task within this launching project need to monitor very deeply. Image 1: Gantt Chart How to create Gantt Chart? Step 1: Create a Tabl e that shows Project Tasks . Before creating the chart list each task in your project with start date and approximate

What is DAX and how it works in Microsoft Excel?

We have seen in PowerPivot articles that, PowerPivot has its own functions for getting a calculative value in Calculation Column. It is very similar to an Excel function. For example in Excel you can use SUM(), COUNTIF() etc. In PowerPivot you can use Related() and others power functions which allow you to create advanced calculation on data stored in multiple tables. You can called it as PowerPivot Language. The PowerPivot language is called Data Analysis Expressions, but we always use the shorter DAX acronym. Image 1: DAX - PowerPivot Language How DAX Works? Just like Excel, any calculation in DAX begins with the '=' (equal) sign. But the main difference is that DAX never calculate a single cell like P3, B4 etc like Excel does. In DAX, it always calculates for whole column which you will mention. Moreover you need to use Column Name and Table Name for whole column calculation in DAX. DAX does not support range as Excel does. In a DAX function, you can get the val

How to add Slicer in PivotTable?

Step 1: Select the PivotTable or Click anywhere inside the PivotTable report area. Step 2: Click on Analyze menu and then go to Filter group. Then Click on Insert Slicer. or You can Click on Insert menu and Click on Slicer in Filter Group. Image 1: Insert Slicer Step 3: This will allow you to choose the field you wish to add as a Slicer as below image. The field list will depends on your PivotTable source data table. In my PivotTable source data table there are only 3 Fields. That is why the Insert Slicers shows 3 field name to choose. Image 2: Choose field name for Slicer Step 4: Click to mark one or more fields and then Click on Ok to add the marked fields as Slicer. I have selected salesChannel. Image 3: Field selection Step 5: Now click on Slicer button to filter your PivotTable report: Image 4: Slicer

Slicer settings in details

Slicer Caption: Slicer Caption is an option to change the Slicer name. By default Slicer took the field's name as Slicer name. For example if you use the command Insert | Slicer then it will show a list with all the present field names and you have to choose which field you want as Slicer. After choosing a field by Marking, Slicer will insert with that field name. Image 1: Slicer Caption If you want to change the Slicer name, just Click the Slicer to activate it. Now go to Options menu and edit the Slicer Caption as "Area Wise" from Slicer group and press Enter. Slicer Settings: Slicer Settings allow you to Show or Hide the Slicer name by marking or no marking the Display header option. You can change the Caption from here too. Image 2: Slicer Settings By choosing the Ascending (A to Z) radio button you can sort the Slicer buttons from A to Z or Descending (Z to A) for Z to A. You can use the Use Custom Lists when sorting option for custom arranging

How to Delete a PivotTable?

Step 1: Select the PivotTable or Click anywhere inside the PivotTable report area. Image 1: PivotTable Step 2: Click on Analyze menu and then go to Actions group. Then click on Entire PivotTable. Or you can simply Select all cells of your PivotTable by draging mouse. Image 2: Entire PivotTable option Image 3: Entire PivotTable Selected Image 4: PivotTable deleted Step 3: From Analyze menu, click on Clear list and then click on Clear All if you wish to re use the PivotTable Fields Settings from the beginning. Or if you really want to delete it and convert the cell to a normal cell, then just press Delete from keyboard. Delete a PivotTable in 3 Seconds! 00:00:01: Click anywhere in the PivotTable reporting area. 00:00:02: Press Ctrl+A to select all. 00:00:03: Press Delete key.

How to format or design a Slicer?

Step 1:  Select the Slicer and click on Options. Step 2:  From Slicer Style group select any Dark or Light style from preview list. Image 1: Formatting Slicer

Which version of Office 2016 do support PowerPivot?

Many of Excel Users have requested in many times this question. Users usually think that, they are using the updated MS Office version 2016, So why PowerPivot is not supporting? Well, I would like to show a list of MS Office 2016 that supports PowerPivot below: Image 1: PowerPivot - Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus - Office Professional Plus - Excel 2016 Standalone - Office 2016 Professional You can find more information from below blog:

How to add Slicer in PivotTable or PivotChart?

For both things Slicer adding process is same due to these two things follow the same table. Step 1: Put the cursor anywhere in a PivotTable reporting area. Step 2: Then Click on Insert menu and Click on Slicer. Or you can simply Right Click on the Field name which you want as Slicer from PivotTable Fields List. Step 3: This will add the Year Slicer into your workbook. Resize it and move it by mouse dragging to a suitable location. Image 1: Slicer added

How to add Slicer in Table?

Assume that, based on below data table you wish to insert a Slicer Area. Image 1: Data Table Step 1: First of all select a table and click on Insert menu and then Click on Table. Or simply press Ctrl+T after selecting your data table. Step 2: Now you will see a dialog box named Create Table and note that, the table range is automatically selected entire table. If you want to do a custom range selection then just click the Red Upper-Left Directed Arrow and select the range and press the Enter. Step 3: After clicking the Ok your data table will converted as Table, which has a default name Table 1. Step 4: Place the cursor anywhere in the Table 1. And click on Insert menu and then click Slicer from Filters group. Image 1: Selecting Slicer Step 5:  Now you will get a dialog box named Insert Slicer. Just mark the fields which you want as Slicer and click on OK button. I would select Region. You can add 2 or more Slicer from 1 table. Image 2: Adding a Field as Sl

What is Slicer?

Slicer is nothing but a new filter items. It shows like buttons rather than a drop down list like Filter. In dynamic report or dashboard, it is good to use the Slicer for giving an attractive look to your reports. With the help of Slicer, a viewer can easily check your reports and in very short time, he will took his information from your reports. Slicer added in Excel from Excel 2010. You can add Slicer through a Table or PivotTable. Image 1: Slicer By clicking the Blue button under Color Slicer, you will only see the Blue color product's sales data in the dashboard. And by this way you can view other report as well. Image 2: How Slicer works In where you can add Slicer? You can add Slicer for generally 3 types of report. These are: Table PivotTable PivotChart

How to create a PivotChart?

PivotChart is a tool which is usually used for creating dashboard or viewing the report in smooth way by just changing few options in PivotTable. Basically PivotChart creates dynamic chart based on PivotTable data. Yes it is dynamic because while you changed the settings of PivotTable the data has changed and then based on this data PivotChart also changed instantly. PivotChart added a PivotTable automatically so that, you don't need to create a PivotTable additionally. How to create a PivotChart? Step 1: Place the raw data in your worksheet: Image 1: Raw data Step 2: Now for creating the PivotChart based on this raw data Click the Insert menu and then Select the PivotChart from PivotChart. Image 2: Select PivotChart from PivotChart Step 3: After selecting the PivotChart, a dialog box will appear named: Create PivotChart. In this dialog box, you have to select two things. First is the data table by which the PivotChart will work and second is the location of PivotChart

Introduction to Power BI Service

What is Power BI? Before we define the Power BI Service we first need to know about Power BI. Top Management of any company always try to analysis the sales report. But it is very difficult for them to generate a report as like as a professional Executive generates and provide them. Microsoft designed a web based or pc based report generating platform for those business analysis in 2015. Named it, “Microsoft Power Business Intelligence” in short form Microsoft Power BI. It is now very popular in worldwide as a business analysis tool. You can analysis many database files through Power BI from online or offline with just few clicks if your raw data is available from Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, SQL etc.   Image 1: Microsoft Power BI Microsoft defines Power BI as “Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Whether your da