The Beginning:
Before saying anything about PowerPivot, I would like to ask a question to you, "did you use Pivot Table" in MS Excel? If the answer is "Yes" then it could be easier to you to understand about the data analysis engine. Yes! it works like thunderstorm. If the answer is "No", then you must try Pivot Table before using it. Without any doubt you can call it "The most powerful data analysis add-ins tool".
Image 1: Microsoft Excel 2013 - PowerPivot
To improve the power of Microsoft Excel from 2010 or higher version, Microsoft has developed a Business Analysis tool named "Power Business Intelligence" for self service reporting and analysis the business. PowerPivot is an analytical add-ins of Microsoft Power BI package tool. It is basically the main engine which can easily generate your desired reports in seconds. PowerPivot mainly the updated version of Pivot Table.
It is more easier to understand if I say that, PivotTable is a racing car which has 500 horse power engine and PowerPivot is the hydraulic engine which will add extra power on 500 horse power engine.
New Features:
- This add-in can imports millions of data from various data sources
- It reduces the file properties by importing
- Can create calculated field
- Can build relations with multi data table
- Enables you to use formulas
- Add slicer
- Allow to use PivotChart
Make sure that your Microsoft Office is 2010 or higher version. But make sure that, you have already installed this add-in.